How can I get a satin finish on my blade ? 07 April 2022

How can I get a satin finish on my blade ?

How can I get a satin finish on my blade ?

Many of you wish to obtain a satin finish on your knife blades without really knowing how to go about it.
SPAP SOUCILLE has the solution: its range of non-woven nylon products.


Unlike conventional applied abrasives (abrasives on cloth, paper or polyester backing), nylon belts, wheels and pads have a three-dimensional structure impregnated with abrasive grains held together by an adhesive.

The uniform 3-dimensional distribution of the abrasive grains and the nylon fiber give the nylon belt, wheel or pad softness and flexibility for a perfectly homogeneous satin finish of the treated parts.
The structure of the nylon abrasives allows a high ventilation which avoids the heating of the part and a better evacuation of the residues.

The wide range of applications of nylons can go from heavy stripping to the finest finishing, sometimes without even the need to change the abrasive and the grit size.
The granulometry is limited to 5 sizes which allow, according to the type of abrasive in impregnation (aluminium oxide = A/O or silicon carbide = S/C), to treat the parts with the certainty to reach the expected result in the strict respect of the mode of use, of course!

Small table summarizing the equivalence of grain size of nylons and abrasives applied standard FEPA:

Finition Grains equivalence Results
Coarse P80
  • Very agressive
  • Material removal
  • Ideal for rust or scale removal
Medium P100
  • Less agressive
  • Strong satin finish
Fine P180/240
  • Medium and less satin finish
Very fine P280/320
  • Fine and regular satin finish
  • Very popular in cutlery
Ultra fine P400/600
  • Very soft finish for a very fine result

We offer several nylon products: wheels, wheels on rods and bands.

  • Wheels :

Our nylon wheels are made of flaps, which give it a certain flexibility to access difficult areas (like the bolster).
There are several qualities : Medium, Fine/Veryfine and Ultrafine.

There are different wheel sizes to choose from. The wheels are mounted on a reel. Be careful to choose wheels with dimensions (diameter, thickness and bore) perfectly adapted to your reel.

Note that a wheel with a fine and soft granulometry will use faster because its structure is less compact. Take care to use the recommended grit size corresponding to the expected result.

It is strongly advised not to skip any steps in the polishing process: neither the time saving nor the expected result will be achieved. It is much more productive to respect the chronology, if recommended, from a "coarse" nylon abrasive to a "very fine" abrasive

Nylon wheels with flaps

  • Wheels on rod :

You don't have a router? You can use our nylon flap wheels on a 6mm rod to be mounted on a drill. Very flexible, they adapt perfectly to all shapes even the most difficult to access. Available in different sizes and finishes: Coarse, Medium and Veryfine.

Nylon wheels on rods


  • Abrasive belts in nylon type "scotch brit" :

To finish, there is one last product of our "nylon" family, and not the least because it is our Scotch-Brite© type belts, available in different dimensions if you are equipped with a belt sander. Their composition gives them a strong cutting power and a great longevity. In a single operation, they will allow you to eliminate imperfections and obtain a more or less satin finish depending on the desired result.

There are 3 finishes: Coarse, Medium and Veryfine

Note that a nylon strip will necessarily be less flexible than a polishing wheel because its three-dimensional structure is less thick. Therefore, for a satin finish, it is preferable to use a polishing wheel rather than a strip.

Abrasive belts in nylon type scotch brit Abrasives nylon belt type scotch brit Abrasive nylon belts type scotch brit



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