DIAMOND DRESSER tool single point 1ct handled
Geometric requirements and tolerances.
Precise grinding processes require that geometric tolerances and surface qualities of the grinding wheels be maintained to a high degree. Diamond point dressers fulfil their function of correcting and cleaning your grinding wheels perfectly.
Wheel dressers with natural diamonds.
Using natural Congo Rounds with exceptional hardness and wear resistance, our diamond point wheel dressers remove the "run-out" from your grinding wheels and correct their geometric shape.
Your grinding wheels return to their original geometric shape for an optimized quality of work.
Maintenance of an open grit size.
The use of a diamond point dresser allows you to thoroughly clean the surface of your grinding wheels with perfect control, thus restoring the required effective roughness.
By exposing a new, clean cutting layer of your grinding wheels, the diamond point dresser maintains an open grit distribution by removing all impurities and grinding residues.